Guidelines for JAMD Authors

JAMD (The Journal of AMD) is the official journal of the Association of Diabetologists (AMD), protected by AMD copyright. The authors are solely responsible for the originality of their work and the statements contained therein and retain their respective intellectual rights. The publication of the accepted articles is free of charge for the authors. The JAMD is an open access journal in all respects, whose scientific contents (articles, reviews, studies, etc.), unless otherwise indicated, are available under the the Creative Commons license – NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Attribution (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Submission guidelines

  • The JAMD publishes unpublished original articles of various types, not simultaneously submitted to other journals, on topics of diabetes and metabolism. Only consensus documents and recommendations can be published simultaneously or on a deferred basis, subject to the consent of the authors and editors.
  • The authors are solely responsible for the originality of their article and for the statements contained therein and in any case are required to declare that they have obtained informed consent for experimentation and for any reproduction of images, where necessary.
  • The content of the works must comply with the current legislation on ethics and the authorization of the local ethics committees for intervention studies must be explicitly mentioned. Authors must declare the presence or absence of any conflict of interest and any sources of funding.
  • The articles must comply with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Editors of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( The articles that do not meet international standards will be deemed unsuitable for publication.
  • Copyright: the authors are the sole holders of the intellectual rights of their work. JAMD – The Journal of AMD is the official journal of the Association of Diabetologists and applies the Creative Commons license to the published contributions. Based on this, anyone can access such content, copy, distribute or reuse it provided that the author(s) and the original source are correctly cited.
  • The General Rules paragraph (see below) lists the standards which each work must comply with.

Type of contributions

General indications:

1) The articles can be proposed in Italian or in English.

2) Articles in Italian (with the exception of Editorials, Letters, Points of View and Comments) must also be submitted with the title, abstract, key words and messages in English.

3) Articles in English (with the exception of Editorials, Letters, Points of View and Comments) must also be submitted with the title, abstract, key words and messages in Italian.

  • Editorials. Are requested by the Director and/or the Editorial Committee (the Editors) of the journal.

  • Original articles. They must not exceed 30,000 characters excluding tables and figures (max 4 in total) and bibliography. The article should be structured as follows:
    – Title
    – Author list (first name, middle initial, last name)
    – Names of each author’s institution and an indication of each author’s affiliation
    – Corresponding author (with email address)
    – Abstract, max 250 words and place it after the title page
    – Keywords (max 5)
    – Introduction / Purpose of the study
    – Study design / Materials and methods
    – Results
    – Discussion / Conclusions
    – Bibliography (up to a maximum of 40 entries)
    – Conflict of interest
    – Sources of funding
    – Any Acknowledgments
    – Key messages (according to the following structure: Key objectives [e.g.: This work has analysed...] - What emerges [e.g.: This work shows...] - Relevance: [e.g.: This work reiterates the common concept so...]; each bullet point of 20-25 words each).
    – For the online version, the “Supplementary Materials” file containing other tables, figures, bibliographic references, etc. can be prepared.

  • Reviews. They must not exceed 40,000 characters excluding tables and figures (max 7 overall) and bibliography. The review should be structured as follows:
    – Title
    – Author list (first name, middle initial, last name)
    – Corresponding author (with email address)
    – Abstract, structured in the sections of the article (max 250 words)
    – Keywords (max 5)
    – Introduction
    – Title for each section
    – Conclusions
    – Bibliography (up to a maximum of 70 entries)
    – Conflict of interest
    – Sources of funding
    – Any Acknowledgments
    – Key messages (according to the following structure: Key objectives [e.g.: This work has analysed...] - What emerges [e.g.: This work shows...] - Relevance: [e.g.: This work reiterates the common concept so...]; each bullet point of 20-25 words each).
    – For the online version, the “Supplementary Materials” file containing other tables, figures, bibliographic references, etc. can be prepared.

  • Clinical cases. They must not exceed 12,000 characters excluding tables and figures (max 2 overall) and bibliography. They must be structured as follows:
    – Author list (first name, middle initial, last name)
    – Corresponding author (with email address)
    – Summary (max 150 words)
    – Keywords (max 5)
    – Clinical history
    – Physical examination
    – Laboratory and instrumental tests
    – Diagnosis and differential diagnosis
    – Discussion and treatment
    – Bibliography (up to a maximum of 10 items)
    – Summary diagnostic-therapeutic flow-chart (if possible).

  • Guidelines, Position statements, Consensus documents, Congress proceedings, Letters, Points of view, Comments, Symposia, Technical-scientific documents. Structure and format for these types of contributions must be agreed directly with the Director and/or Editors of the journal.

  • Surveys. They must not exceed 30.00 characters excluding tables and figures (max 7 overall) and any bibliography. They must be structured as follows:
    – Title
    – Author list (first name, middle initial, last name)
    – Corresponding author (with email address)
    – Summary (max 150 words)
    – Keywords (max 5)
    – Introduction
    – Title for each section
    – Conclusions
    – Bibliography (up to a maximum of 15 items)
    – Conflict of interest
    – Sources of funding
    – Any Acknowledgments
    – Key messages (according to the following structure: Key objectives [e.g.: This survey investigated...] - What emerges [e.g.: The results of this survey show...] - Relevance: [e.g.: The analysis of the data collected from this survey highlights the need...]; each bullet point of 20-25 words each).
    – For the online version, the “Supplementary Materials” file containing other tables, figures, bibliographic references, etc. can be prepared.

  • News. These are managed directly by the respective managers (groups, etc.). They represent updates from AMD working group activities, the CDN, the AMD Research Network, the Annals, or from the literature. In particular, the latter comment on recent scientific works or related to AMD projects.

Specific indications

1) The title of the article must be specific, descriptive, concise, and understandable, no longer than 150 characters.

2) The structured abstract (max 250 words) will be divided into four sections:
– Purpose of the study
– Design and methods
– Results
– Conclusions.

3) The tables (exclusively in text format) must be accompanied by a caption (with legend of the abbreviations used) and progressively cited with Arabic numerals in the text of the article.

4) The figures must be accompanied by a caption (with legend of the abbreviations used) and progressively cited with Arabic numerals in the text of the article; they must be sent with a separate file, in .tiff or .jpg format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and with a base of about 100 mm; low resolution images will not be considered. In the case of tables or figures already published, it is mandatory to indicate the bibliographic reference of the original.

5) The bibliographic entries must be referred to in the text of the article with superscript Arabic numerals and listed at the end of the typescript in the order in which they were cited. The first four authors should be reported, eventually followed by et al., according to the AMA model -

Correct sample reference styles

  • Articles: Frías JP, Davies MJ, Rosenstock J, et al. Tirzepatide versus Semaglutide Once Weekly in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2021;385(6):503-515. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2107519
    NB: the “doi” is to be reported only if present in the original bibliographic entry.
  • Books: Jordan HI, Seadikot LJ. Diabetes Mellitus in the elderly. New York: Willinkott, 1985.
  • Chapters of books or conference proceedings: Connor FR. How to cure the diabetes mellitus of young people. In: Banting F, Best L, eds. The Care of Diabetes Mellitus. Stuttgart, Elsevier, pp. 74-85, 1999.
  • Documents taken from the web: title, author, if any, website, date of last access; eg: National Diabetes Plan - Ministry of Health - December, 2012;, accessed February 22, 2013.

Presentation and acceptance of works, costs

Gli autori sono invitati a inviare versioni definitive dei lavori in versione elettronica (astenendosi dall’utilizzo di programmi di videoimpaginazione), per email, all’indirizzo:

Gli articoli, purché redatti in accordo a quanto prescritto nel paragrafo Norme generali, saranno sottoposti alla revisione di uno o più revisori (peer-review) e la loro accettazione sarà subordinata al parere conclusivo del Comitato editoriale e all’esecuzione di eventuali modifiche richieste.

I lavori presentati per la pubblicazione non hanno alcun costo né di processing charges né di submission charges né di realizzazione editoriale, grafica, informatica.

Scambi di materiali e corrispondenza si effettueranno esclusivamente fra il Coordinamento editoriale e l’autore corrispondente.

Article drafts

The correction of the drafts by the authors will be limited to the simple control of typos, limiting any second thoughts only where strictly necessary. The Editorial Coordinator reserves the right to make changes to the article to bring its style and structure into line with those of the journal. The corresponding author must return the drafts sent to him within 4 days, bearing the appropriate corrections. In the absence of such feedback, the drafts will be considered approved for printing.

Author copies

The published works can be downloaded free of charge in pdf format from this site (

Do not forget!

Before submitting an article, it is recommended that you download the Journal of AMD Article Submission Checklist to complete and attach to your publication materials.